
Thursday, 29 August 2013


Initially, yes...i was going to write up errrryday about the Core Cardio and Balance workouts, but i just couldn't. Not only could i not bring myself to write everyday about the same damn workout, but the repetitiveness was driving me craaazy. You even mix it up when you go to the gym right? So i had to add little bits of other workouts in after i'd finished this workout by the Thursday. Monday to Wednesday i stuck to the plan, but by Thursday i completed the normal workout and did a little few exercises i remembered from Plyo and Power and Resistance, just to really help my progress. 

In all honesty, i think it's a wrong move doing the same workout for 6 days straight, it's too easy to almost lost interest. I mean, it's not neccesarily an 'easy' workout, yes it's recovery as each exercise your doing is slowed down compared to the normal Month 1 workouts. However, you find yourself thinking 'really....again' like me maybe vamp it up a little and add in some other exercises from previous workouts, i promise it helps. A LOT.

I'm writing this post rather late, as i'm now onto Day 4 of Month 2 workouts, which i'll be writing about sooon (probably later on today as i need to catch up). 

A helpful quote from Shaun T:
This is your recovery week so I don't want you to over-pound your body.  I want you to focus, keep your core strong, keep your energy up and next week we will start it back up'.  


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