
Tuesday, 6 August 2013


 I had to do this workout with a headache and a poorly stomach.

Do you feel sorry for me?! Well you should, it hurt and i almost cried, then nearly shattered the Insanity disc.It was an eventual hour and a bit, even though i looked mega deranged and crazy after the workout, i did it. Didn't smash the disc, didn't cry (kind of) and i'm here to tell another tale.

Everything i've read about Pure Cardio ('it get's easier'...'you'll grow to like it')
Just shutup....STOP. It doesn't get easier, and i don't bloody like it. I want it to end from the first round of the warmup, why? Because i know whats to come. Switch Kicks, Power Jacks, Heisman's, Power Knees. This was the first time too i had to do Cardio Abs afterwards, the previous week it was only Pure Cardio. 
The abs workout consisted of a small warmup as usual, but a lot of crunching...not actually crunches, you don't hit the floor when you relax. You stay constantly in the 'C' position..figure it out, your body looks like the letter C. And do a variety of twists and pulses with your legs in the air, out in front, and changing all the time. Plank is also involved in this one, but once again there's a whole variety involving the exercise. 

Niiiiiiiice end to the workout i thought. My abs felt well and truly worked after this. Luckily so was my appetite, so fooooooood, come to meee!


This will sound random and not very healthy, but it really isn't that bad when you think about the things that made up my breakfast. 
Beans on Toast!
Yum! Easy to make, but i differed a little from the normal stereotypical 'student' meal. I had whole-grain bread rather than white...which i really can't eat, and only half a tin of beans. It gave me the energy i needed and i vowed to be extra clean for the rest of the day. 

For lunch, i went to my Gran's and she had put on a beeeautiful salad spread. Boiled eggs, lettuce, tomato salad, beetroot, potato salad, wholemeal/white/seeded bread rolls, the works. Seriously it was a healthy food dreaam. There was even fruit salads for afters and copious cups of tea...GREEN FOR ME!

Dinner came to me in the form of two chicken legs seasoned with sweet chilli rub, sweet potato mash ( which i 'm seriously loving..just shove two sweet potatoes in the oven for the same time as your chicken...skins on....and when they're done, peel skins and mash, you don't even need any butter as they're so fluffy ) 
and some green beans for my veg. Didn't manage to get through the two legs, ate like 1 and 3/4's. Full full fullllll.


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