Now this one ain't as cray as yesterday's Circuits. You still sweat your butt off, but you have to watch more demonstrations and explanations, so you get a little time to breath.
Last approx 55 minutes or so, that includes a 10 minute warmup and about 4.5 minute stretch in the beginning.
The warmup is the same as yesterday, i'm just so glad Mummy Kicks have gone, those literally made me want to lie down and not get back up. The first two times you do the warm-up in Month 2 workout's however is slightly different. You do two rounds at 4 minutes each, going at your own pace, but the last time you do your warmup it only lasts 2 minutes and your supposed to really push yourself and speed it up!!
Then we got into our first circuit. I was a bit apprehensive at first, wondering what on earth could this be like compared to Plyometric Month 1.
I soon found out...Switch Jumps, which are basically a squat, jump and turn 180 degrees and squat again. Repeat for a minute. Squat Push ups, almost fell on my face a few times not going to lie. Wide In and Out Abs...think back to normal In and Out Abs, then cry. Power Jumps..self explanatory, and also painful. These really don't help with how fatigued you get.
After the third round we have a minute of One Legged V Push Ups...again self explained. V Push Ups...but with one leg raised off the ground. Not fun!
Second circuit, Pogo's. Quite a bit of focus on balance and power with these. Reaching down to touch the floor balancing on one leg, then straighten up to hop. Repeat on both sides. Power Push Ups..actually like these. Globe Twists, pretty much the same as Globe Jumps but we're only going side to side and squatting. Level 3 drills! 16 PUSH UPS...16! THEN ANOTHER 16!
After third round we're doing Power Lunges/Hop Squats with 8 sets.
Final and third circuit guys! Side Push Ups, Kickstand Touch the Floor, 8 Power Knees and 4 Diamond Jumps. I'm not saying much about these because unfortunatley with it being my first time doing the workout i was so concentrated on getting through it i forgot to jot a note down. Next time!
We end with a Balance Push Up..which is nice and relaxing. (ish) It at least doesn't require as much energy, just more balance..which i have luckily.
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