
Thursday, 8 August 2013


Ambling into my kitchen to retrieve my workout calander and happily humming a song in my head, i was 100% sure i had Power and Resistance today, which i quite like as it's more about strength and core than just constantly sweating my ass off. 


I can honestly say, tears came to my eyes. This workout seriously makes me want to curl  up in a ball and cry. At least the thought and any time before i do it does. After i feel amazing i won't lie. 
There's something about the order of these exercises that just makes it work, you feel tired half way through, but then the next exercise gives you a little bit of recovery, not loads to really push for the next one. The football sprints to the left, front, right and back get me everytime. My calves cry out for mercy. 


For some reason i go mental on the sprints, i get a burst of energy from nowhere, pretending i'm in the Olympics or something. HA!

Now i like to do the Cardio Abs straight after Pure Cardio, i've heard a lot of people will split these two up. Do Pure Cardio on a morning and the Abs on the night. I'm not sure that would work for me. I feel that after the first workout, i'm so loose and warm it would be a waste to cool back down to do the Abs later. 
I take a 5 minute break and get straight back on it, with the Abs only lasting 16 minutes it's definitely doable. There's no cardio hardly, just a lot of core use and some leg work. Your stomach muscles take a beating, but come 60 days you'll be thankful i bet! 


I bought some fruit and granola at the supermarket the other day, so that's what i had to start my day a long guessed, a cup of steaming hot green tea!
For my lunch i had some Tuscan Tomato's some organic stuff from a health food store i came across a few weeks ago, but with some rice cakes it did the job and i was full full full. 
Dinner again came a little later in the day, as i didn't finish work till 9pm, but i made myself some Ryvita crisp breads topped with lettuce, ham and tomato. I had four to be exact and suprisingly they did the job and away i went to sleep to recover my muscles like they deserve!


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