
Thursday, 8 August 2013


It's still exciting me to know that i'm over two weeks into Insanity. It really doesn't feel like it either, i know it should...but i think the muscle aches are a thing of the past. Well...kind of. I still ache, but i suppose i'm used to it now. 

Plyometric is probably one of my least favourite i'd have to say. The warm-ups i'm getting used to (jogging, jumping jacks, heismens, 123's, but kicks, high knees and mummy kicks ) x 3 increasing with speed each time. On the last set of 3 i really push now, whereas when i started i found myself slacking on the last set. 
I'm still learning that it's so important to do my workout no more than an hour and a half after i've eaten, if i wait too long i find myself lacking energy and the more i push myself the more i'm risking injury. 


By now, try and keep up with the timing of the exercises, obviously focus a lot on form..but it's also about speed.
Keep sip sip sipping on water!


I kept it super simple today, basically because of the time i had to eat. Eating on the go, if your at work/out whatever your doing is hard, so it's all about meal prep!

I managed to squeeze in a bowl of porridge oats made with water and a handful of almonds before i left for my shift at work.
For lunch i made myself some brown rice and took a tin of tuna in with me (easy drain, no mess..yay!) For a dessert, or you could say a snack..i had a natural greek yogurt with granola and raspberries. 

Now i waited faaaaar too long for dinner today, silly me forgot to take my last meal to work with me, not thinking on that i don't finish till 9pm! So when i got home i did my workout and made some yummy chicken legs with sweet potato again. I'm seriously loving this meal recently and full of healthhh!


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