
Friday, 2 August 2013


Another little change. I've decided to put both workout and meal plans now into one post. Reasons for this is mainly it's rather time consuming and with some workout's i won't have much to say about them as i don't wanna relay every detail of every exercise, but i'll always try and give my opinion and a few tips. 


Today was Plyo! Me and this workout don't have a good relationship, it just kills me...worse than Pure really does. The Level 1 drills are the killer, because my muscles are already a bit tender from yesterday i find my pace did go a little slower on some of the power moves. Especially cos we'd done Level 2 drills yesterday. HOW MANY PUSHUPS CAN A GIRL DO?!?!?!

By the way...did i say i'd just came back from a 6 mile mountain bike ride prior to doing this. So safe to say i was physically knackered, not sure how i coped! 

Can't believe it's Day 10..almost 2 weeks in. I'm feeling goood. 


  • Keep form, it's so important, otherwise you won't get the workout for the body part intended.
  • Be vocal..if you need to shout..shout (i sound like a banshee at times)
  • Have a decent meal to follow, need to replenish your muscles. 


Mum made some scrambled eggs this morning with 2 eggs each ontop of some wholemeal seeded bread for breakfast and a cup of coffee. To be fair i needed the caffein..we were embarking on what was supposed to have been a 5 mile bike ride...and turned out to be a 6 mile mountain bike ride, i fell nettled, cried because of the hills. Oh it was intense. 

We stopped at a little cafe at the end and i picked up a Yorkshire farmed Ham Salad sandwich on brown bread and a cup of green tea. I must have eaten this in about 3 minutes. 

Apples and plums were my snacks for today, we had a huge stock of them in the fridge, so i helped myself every few hours. Yum!

Dinner was a home-made risotto by mother hen, i made her leave out the cheese and put extra tomatoes and veggies in. Gotta keep it healthy i said, she complied as she loves making up new little concoctions, and damnnnn it tasted good. 


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