
Monday, 19 August 2013


So today is Monday 19th August, it's Day 29 and later today i'll be completing the first day of the Recovery Week: Core Cardio & Balance. 
I thought i'd do a bit of a round up on the past month, i've wanted to cry and quit. But i haven't. I may have cried a little but quit i did not. From the first day of doing the first workout which was Plyometric, i knew i was in for some serious exercise. Saying previously, i'm a dancer and my job is to keep myself fairly fit and flexible, but nothing could have prepared me for this. The amount of research i did on Insanity still always had me thinking 'it'll be a breeze, this is for people who need to lose a lot of weight quickly'..I was so wrong. Hell yeah it'll help you lost weight, and quite quickly as your doing some sort of cardio 6 days a week for 63 days, if you didn't lose some weight at the end of that, your doing something wrong! But it gives you something else, which is better than losing makes you feel amazing. During the workouts you might want to stop or just sit and watch, DON'T. I can guarantee afterwards you will feel like a new person, waking up on a morning i no longer feel lethargic and like i don't want to get up. I want to eat healthy, unhealthy food just doesn't appeal. Most of all i think of how much good it must be doing my insides not just my outer appearance.

I'm going to upload some progress pictures and measurements this evening. I initially was going to do that after 2 weeks, but i think now i'm at the month goal, i can see the difference and feel it, so i'll share it! And it'll help me see on paper what i've achieved. 

So check back for the progress pictures and i'll post on the new workout's later tonight!


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