
Sunday, 21 July 2013


So, i'm giving this blogging thing another go, but this time i'm doing it about something i'm A. interested in and  B. looking forward to writing about. However it's not just going to be pointless writing and boring updates, it's also going to act as a kind of motivator for myself as well as a 'diary' if you like so i've got something to look back on. Two for the price of one ey?

' What is it?! ' I hear you all yell.

Well, i'm sure most of you...if your reading this will have heard of the infamous INSANITY 60 day workout. Or if you haven' have now. It's different to those 'other' workout DVD's that promise fat loss in 30 minutes, or sculpted abs in one quick hour. Really? If i got fat loss and sculpted abs in a mere hour and a half i'd be a ripped machine by now.......and i'm not. It's a combination of 10 workouts from 30mins - 1 hour long sessions but from what i've heard it's one of the hardest workouts ever. We'll see!
Back to Insanity then, i purchased the enticing package online for £33 a month for three months, steep i know for workout DVD's but this is after a lot of research and endless scrolling about success stories. Inside my package i should recieve:

  • 10 workout DVDs ranging from cardio exercise to deep stretching sessions
  • Elite nutrition plan which includes meal ideas and recipes for the 60 days
  • Fitness guide, i presume to help me get fit?
  • Insanity Calender which is split into two months with assigned workouts EVERYDAY
 I even attended an Insanity class at my gym, almost throwing up during the class and waking up the next day with muscles sore enough to keep me in bed oddly enough gave me the brilliant idea to go ahead and click purchase.
I'm excited to begin Insanity and i've even decided to apply for the T-Shirt which means i have to measure and weigh myself thoroughly...that's not the worst part, i have to take before and after pictures to prove i've done the workout. Ideally i'm going to update my whole journey including the meals i eat every single day, you know the saying 'abs are made 70% in the kitchen and 30% in the gym' ... My next post should be in a day or so once the lovely postman has graced my door and then it begins! Exciting stuff.


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