I didn't get in till quite late tonight, which meant i had to do my workout late, no way in hell was i skipping a day of this. It's just not worth it..i want to see results, which means i have to work for results.
Most of the Insanity workout's names kinda give you a little inkling of what to expect.
PURE - def: not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material.
CARDIO - def: cardiovascular exercise.
We all know that cardio, whatever type of cardio it is that you do is going to make you sweat and burn a few hundred calories. So PURE CARDIO will make you sweat BUCKETS and burn at least a thousand calories, well maybe a little exaggerating there.
Once again we begin with the mother crazy warm-up, yep..three times, jog to sprint, power jacks - insane power jacks, bum kicks to take-your-butt-off-with-a-kicks, 123's to 123-i'm-gunna-die's. You get the picture, so three sets of these getting faster and faster. Another stretching 5 minutes, with more 30 second water breaks WOOOO.What kind of scared me at then end of the stretches though was the fact that Shaun T began to say he was getting nervous...uh....what?! Shaun T is getting nervous for what's about to come..HELLLLL NO. At this point i prayed and hoped i'd make it through. And i did, and i'm not lying i feel good! Sore good but good!It's no joke when he said he was nervous, i can now see why. Consant sprints, football sprints, suicide jumps, mountain climbers, level 2 drills...LEVEL 2! Even though it's not quite cardio, Shaun doesn't leave out the power moves, he had us on the floor holding the plank down. I think it ended with about 22 minutes altogether of cardio, with a 7 minute warmup, and 4 minute stretching each side. I honestly think i can do this, having done the past 4 days, i did have my doubts after my sprint to the toilet midst fit test. But its getting easier, my body is recovering faster and i'm ready for the next 55 days!
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